Roseville Chiropractor Explains Weight Loss 80% diet – 20% Exercise

Roseville Chiropractor Explains Weight Loss 80% diet - 20% Exercise

Weight loss is one of the top goals of all Americans today. It's a good goal to have because being overweight can lead to so many chronic illnesses and even back pain, neck pain, headaches, sciatica, etc. With Chiropractic adjustments we are able to help so many people with that but sometimes it will keep returning because of weight issues. We have good intentions but we seem to sabotage ourselves. From the nutrient depleted foods that surround us to not understanding how our bodies burn fuel. This is not intended to tell you how or what to eat but to help you realize that you cannot out exercise a lousy diet!!

It's so common to eat something that is not good for us with the thought that, "I'll work it off in the gym." Will you though? Lets look at that. If you ingest an average corn muffin you will be eating approximately 300 calories. If you are on a treadmill, how long do you think it will take burn just those calories? Approximately 35 minutes!! And the corn muffin doesn't even sound as unhealthy as most of the snacks Americans are actually putting in their bodies.

So if you are trying to lose weight, don't get caught in the trap that you can exercise off a lousy diet. The diet is actually 80% of the equation and exercise is 20% (make sure you're not just exercising for weight loss too, it does sooooooooo much more than that!)


8:00am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 6:00 pm

8:00am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Wagnon Chiropractic:
Eric Wagnon, DC

720 Sunrise Avenue Suite 104A
Roseville, CA 95661
(916) 625-0208